This sweet little vintage dress was recently spotted at a thrift store for $2 but had a less than exciting little embroidery on it. I know these are common for little kids' vintage and I tend to steer clear of them (too much of a cutesy factor for me) but I knew this one would be easy to hide. All I needed was some coordinating fabric and a twenty minute window of sewing time.
1. I decided on this brown print (not sure if it's vintage or not) because it had some yellow, white, and green just like the dress print. 2. I used a large jar to trace a semi-circle, measured straight up from there about 2", and cut it out. 3. I found another piece of fabric, placed my first piece on top of it with right sides facing each other, and pinned them together.
4. Starting about 1" in from the right corner at the top, I stitched all the way around the brown fabric about 1/4" from the edge (seam allowance) until I got about 1" out from the left corner. I left an opening so I could turn it right side out. Then I trimmed my edges. 5. I turned it right side out and folded my opening shut. I ironed it flat. 6. I stitched across the top about 1/4" from the edge and again about 1/2" from the edge. This closes the opening and gives it a nice finish.
7. Next, I made two little pleats near the bottom curve making sure they were equally spaced. They were only folded in about 1/4". 8. I pinned those in place and ironed them flat. I made sure the curve of the bottom of the pocket was still an even curve. 9. I pinned it over my embroidery and stitched from the top right corner all the way around to the top left corner and back-stitched. The pleats add a little pucker to the pocket so that it doesn't lay flat against the dress. Perfect for rock-collecting.
Ruby loves her new rock pocket and I'm thankful that I turned a $2 thrift score into something a little more special. In fact, the bear that I covered up is now Ruby's secret. She likes to look inside and say hello to the bear. So long, Mr. Bear.
Whether you're wanting to cover a stain or a bear, adding pockets to a simple dress is an easy way to make it more exciting. You don't have to be a master seamstress for this kind of wardrobe fix. Enjoy!
EDITED: Some people have asked about Ruby's Minnetonka moccasins. They were picked up by my lovely friend, Katie, at Ozarkland in Camdenton, Missouri and brought to town on a recent visit. She's the best! You can find them on Zappos and a variety of other online retailers. This is the third pair we've owned and I'll keep buying them because they're not only adorable but super durable and easy to wear with most casual outfits. Love them!
so much cuter! - and now she has a bear in her pocket too :)
any ideas for a dress that has THREE embroidered (gold!) flowers across the skirt??
Posted by: Dee | 10/04/2011 at 04:38 PM
I LOVE how cute and simple this is! Such a great idea to do a post on it because it will inspire so many other things:)
Stephanie May*
Posted by: Stephanie May* | 10/04/2011 at 04:44 PM
That is the best little pocket ever!
♥ sécia
Posted by: sécia | 10/04/2011 at 05:12 PM
good job, mama! it looks like she loves it!
Posted by: emily | 10/04/2011 at 05:19 PM
So smart! As a mom to be I've been stocking up on vintage baby dresses. I just had one of those "why didn't I think of that moments"
Great idea.
Posted by: Karen | 10/04/2011 at 05:24 PM
Guuuh! She is the cutest <3
Posted by: danielleorama | 10/04/2011 at 05:29 PM
Oh Ruby, your brown eyes and smile!
Posted by: Emily | 10/04/2011 at 05:43 PM
I LOVE that she now has a secret little bear in her pocket. So adorable!
Posted by: Lisa Gutierrez | 10/04/2011 at 06:09 PM
I love the little double straps on this dress, so so sweet! And I am also not a big fan of cheesy embroidery on kids clothes. A pocket is perfect, and a pleated pocket is like a gillion times better. Also, just saw a pic of you from Doren and Sarah's wedding on Skunkboy. Holy Moly that dress is awesome! I love how it looks on you! Amazing!
Posted by: pinksuedeshoe | 10/04/2011 at 06:19 PM
Oh my goodness, Rachel. That story is perhaps one of the cutest things I've ever heard. And on a day when I've been frustrated by the pettiness and ignorance of some jerky adults, hearing of a sweetie pie little girl saying hello to her hidden pocket-bear immediately lifted my spirits. Thank you, sincerely, for sharing.
Posted by: Sarah B. | 10/04/2011 at 06:29 PM
cute.. i like it! :)
Posted by: irene wibowo | 10/04/2011 at 06:41 PM
ooo... I love your put-a-pocket-on-it. I think I will have to use this for new baby clothes and such that will be gifted to us. I know our family means well- but seriously alot of kids stuff is gawdy, puke-a-rific. If you have any other ideas, post them!
Posted by: Lindsey [homegrown spud] | 10/04/2011 at 06:42 PM
I like that pocket!
Posted by: Allison | 10/04/2011 at 06:51 PM
Ha, I like that you noted how she has her secret bear. While I was reading I wondered if she would talk about how she feels the bear and all. What a cute gal you have on your hands.
Posted by: Sara | 10/04/2011 at 07:16 PM
I love the pocket dress, and I love the adorable booties too. Where might one find those????
Posted by: Leona May Photography | 10/04/2011 at 07:35 PM
What an awesome idea! I think this will definitely be changing my outlook on little girl thrifting. :)
Posted by: Sara S. | 10/04/2011 at 07:36 PM
She is the cutest!!
Posted by: Amanda | 10/04/2011 at 07:52 PM
love her cute boots!
Posted by: Ashleigh | 10/04/2011 at 08:00 PM
What a cute idea. Little Ruby is just so adorable. xo, rv
Posted by: Rae Veda | 10/04/2011 at 08:10 PM
Great idea!! I have a little girls vintage dress that has a type of embroidery like that,so now my little girl will get to wear it this fall...thanks for the idea!!
Posted by: Ana | 10/04/2011 at 08:17 PM
i cant get over how cute she is. and now she has a secret bear in her pocket!
Posted by: Gaby | 10/04/2011 at 08:28 PM
she sure is a happy little one today =D
Posted by: jessie b | 10/04/2011 at 08:31 PM
i'll admit i thought the bear was cute..but what you did made it sooo adorable and i am off to see how i can "modernize" my daughters vintage lol!
Posted by: Ashley | 10/04/2011 at 09:35 PM
great idea on the pocket, and ruby is so cute in her "new" dress! love the moccasins, too.
Posted by: kristin | 10/04/2011 at 11:31 PM
adorable, as always, girly! xoxo
p.s. i had those moccasins as a kiddo! every summer we went to the adirondacks and would be treated to a new pair. brings back such great memories :)
Posted by: jennifer | 10/05/2011 at 06:15 AM
Oh how cute!
Also, I named my daughter Ruby!
Posted by: Megan | 10/05/2011 at 06:18 AM
she is ahhhdorable!
Posted by: marla | 10/05/2011 at 07:57 AM
i'm jealous of ruby's moccasins! so adorable.
Posted by: Jess Lonett | 10/05/2011 at 08:33 AM
When my little cousin was two she used to put potato chips in her little dress pockets and wander around eating them.
Posted by: Jessica | 10/05/2011 at 08:34 AM
soooo cute! little fashionista!
Posted by: margot | 10/05/2011 at 09:23 AM