After taking a break from paid sponsors in March so we can settle in to our new home I'm happy to share three reasons I think you should sponsor Smile and Wave in April!
1. You've got a chance to introduce and establish your brand/blog to the between 3,500 to 6,000 readers that visit Smile and Wave each day! Since we're both being more organized this year, securing your sponsor spot before the end of the month will ensure that that part of your spring advertising plan is successful. Readers can't enjoy your product or blog if they don't know what you offer!
2. I've got a full blog schedule planned now that we're settled in to our new city, new house, new studio. Readers can look forward to a steady stream of home decor inspiration, outfit posts, kid craft projects, vintage finds, and everyday life.
3. This includes a list of DIY's to share as I knock out new home projects which means lots of link backs as those projects get sent out into the interwebs. Look for posts that provide inspiration as well as posts sharing how to accomplish something similar in your own space.
April means a fresh excitement for blogging as life returns to it's regularly scheduled programing and I'm already thrilled with the new sponsors that are joining Smile and Wave next month!
If you've got a blog or shop that you think fits the Smile and Wave aesthetic and would like to get more information you can view my current rates here and/or e-mail [email protected] to secure your spot. I'd love to have you!
hmmm... yes please! I'd love to sponsor this blog, if not april then some other month!
Posted by: caitlin | 03/21/2012 at 10:49 AM