I've been working on a fun project for the kids this week in between thunderstorms. I first saw the idea of a mud kitchen on Pinterest but this one stuck with me. Two months ago I was driving to the grocery store when I saw a bucket of wood on the corner of an empty lot along with some trash. All I saw was $$ being saved on my next project so I pulled that car around and loaded it up. I also used some of the siding from our old white table on the front and back for contrast. It left for an odd gap on the sides since they were a different width but really this isn't about looks as much as it is about function. Plus, FREE!
I bought a storage tub and it turned out that most of my free wood was just the right width to house it. If I would've sketched this out before hand I would've changed a few things but I really just wanted a quick, satisfying project - wonky cuts and all.
The tub is resting on four loose slats that are held up by the extra lip leftover from the white pieces that used to be our table. I can pull it out to dump when it gets dirty and possibly use it as a planter when the kids get tired of it. Everything else is nailed in and screwed on.
We brought out a few buckets of our own and thrifted some pots and pans because kids like containers when water and mud is involved. Nothing too fancy, just containers. There's a shelf underneath for storing things when play time is over and space to move out that tub and replace it with two - one for water and one for sand or mud. Ruby took to it as soon as I was done and spent another hour out there while I made dinner! Talk about a win/win.
I don't have a DIY for this since it was such a quick and messy job but I love how easy it would be to make your own mud pie kitchen out of crates or an old end table. I like to think it'll get a lot of attention this fall and even when we get snow!
I want to give my kids more reasons to be outside than inside (when it's practical). I want them to learn through play and spend time in their imaginations. This is just one of the ways I can fulfill my need to create while encouraging theirs.
How do you encourage your little ones to get outside and play?
You are amazing.
Posted by: skunkboy | 09/27/2012 at 09:47 PM
I 'created' something similar a few years ago for sand. It's still popular now. It's great that its off the floor, much better working height for small people!!' Well done. Sarah
Posted by: 5ladybird lane | 09/27/2012 at 11:09 PM
I love this idea and how your brain works. I am definitely inspired now to think of new ways to get my kids outside during the PNW's rainy autumn and winter.
Posted by: Clare | 09/27/2012 at 11:12 PM
what a great idea...i love it!!
Posted by: gina | 09/27/2012 at 11:18 PM
I love a creative play area!
Posted by: Lea | 09/28/2012 at 02:05 AM
SUCH a clever idea. Well done! I would have loved that when I was a child :-)
Posted by: Colleen | 09/28/2012 at 03:01 AM
This is brilliant!! We did mudpies when the Things were young, better never on such a grand scale-- very clever. We've always lived relatively isolated from neighbors, either in the woods, on a lake or, as now, on over an acre of land-- so we never had to work too hard to get the kids outside {always a fort to be built or a fairy ring to discover}. I really admire how you are able to take a more suburban setting & make it a unique & magical spot for your kids to grow & play!
Posted by: Tabetha | 09/28/2012 at 03:28 AM
I love it! And I love it even more since you did it yourself & made it so cute!
Posted by: Laura | 09/28/2012 at 03:42 AM
This has been a huge struggle for me. We have never had a yard and our oldest is almost 4 AND he's a boy. It's a huge factor in why we're moving to Oklahoma to finally settle down. I'd love to tackle a project like this someday!
Posted by: simplemittens | 09/28/2012 at 04:15 AM
I love this so much! Looks like your little girl loves it. If I had a yard, I'd absolutely make one of these.
Marissa / treetopnest.blogspot.com
Posted by: Marissa | 09/28/2012 at 05:23 AM
I love hearing mom's with littles say this: I want to give my kids more reasons to be outside than inside (when it's practical). I want them to learn through play and spend time in their imaginations.
I homeschool 3 older kids, and if you start with that theory when they are so young, it will serve you so much better when they are older. Trust me. Good job, Mama.
Posted by: tammy | 09/28/2012 at 06:00 AM
Love, love, love your mudpie kitchen. So clever! But I was a little disappointed not to see any mud involved in the photos! : ) Let's get messy!
Posted by: Carla | 09/28/2012 at 07:02 AM
LOVE this!! I had one of those PlaySkool-type plastic play kitchens when I was little and loved it, but this has so much more character- plus, of course, it doesn't cost a fortune and you get to show your kids an example of DIY industriousness and creativity! :)
Posted by: Skye | 09/28/2012 at 08:03 AM
p e r f e c t!!
Posted by: jennifer Camplin | 09/28/2012 at 08:09 AM
So cool! Thanks for sharing this project! I'm so often self-critical of my hodge-podge projects, but when I see someone else's looking so handsome, I'm definitely inspired to share more of my own!
Posted by: Amelia | 09/28/2012 at 10:21 AM
this is perfect!!! and a spot to store all their gadgets after they are done! i was a gourmet mud chef when i was small. my daughter preferred to do mud cooking as more of a hobby than a way of life like me! lol my son doesnt have the desire to mud cook, but maybe he will turn around?!
and yes- my kids have wonderful imaginations. my daughter, who is 15 now, had to do an english assignment a few weeks ago about her life as a child. she descibed is as 'perfect, colorful as a rainbow, and i thought i was a real princess living in the perfect fairy tale world' ahhhh- that was so wonderful to hear!!!
Posted by: ira lee | 09/28/2012 at 10:50 AM
I really love this. Hours of fun to be had. I think I will be making one for next spring.
Posted by: Catherine | 09/28/2012 at 12:03 PM
Fantastic idea. I am going to try this one. My little guy can entertain himself for hours pouring water from one container to another. Thanks x
Posted by: Cybele Masterman | 09/28/2012 at 08:54 PM
Fabulous! Love it! SOOOO much better than any store bought "sand and water" table. Where's some wood - I need to get to work! :)
Posted by: Dori | 09/29/2012 at 09:11 AM
Ok, this is THE cutest and coolest idea ever! I would have loved that as a kid! Great idea!
Posted by: Brooke | 09/29/2012 at 09:22 AM
This is amazing! I don't have little ones, but when I do, I want to do things like this for them! I think it's so important to spend time outside (And I type this as I have been on my computer for an hour lol)
Posted by: Leigh | 09/29/2012 at 10:37 AM
This is such a beautiful idea. I don't have children myself but i work at a women's refuge where I'm a child worker. I'd love to make one of these for the refuge, I can imagine how much fun the children would get out of it! Thanks Rachel. xo
Posted by: Laura | 09/30/2012 at 04:19 AM
Little kids mini furniture is so cute! I recently found a wooden fridge for my boy (:
Great idea making one yourself!
Posted by: Erica | 09/30/2012 at 06:01 AM
I would have loved something like this as a kid. You're such a fun mom!! Great idea!
Posted by: ana | 10/02/2012 at 03:25 PM
This is the cutest idea ever! My son Judah would LOVE for me to make him a mud pie kitchen outside. The only thing is I would have to figure how how to get him to not eat the mud pies ha ha
Posted by: Jessica Judkins | 10/02/2012 at 08:39 PM