Things have been busy behind the scenes over here! This third pregnancy has been so much harder than my last two in ways I wasn't expecting in the third trimester. Every night this month as soon as I'm done eating dinner my body waves the white flag of surrender and I need to lay down and take a nap. AT 7:00pm. It's only ever about 30-45 minutes and then I'm able to rejoin the world while Brett puts the kids to bed but it makes it tricky to fit in those regular hours of night work that I've always relied on since Sebastian was born. Brett is only up about an hour after the kids go down due to early morning Army PT so I do my best to focus on that time with him to catch up on the day and discuss the next. If I happen to lay down at all while we catch up I'm a goner. It would take a house fire to get me back out of bed. Oh, and that almost happened last week!

I've been spending most of my time and energy working on my first e-course for 2014 that will hopefully be launching in February! Our dining room table has been covered in papers, paint, photos, and all manner of sundry items since we've come home from our holiday adventure to the Midwest and has been a work in progress for a few months prior. I'm excited to share more soon!
Other than that I've been spending a lot of time cooking healthful dinners, running carpool, tracking down a few special items online for this baby, cleaning out my wardrobe to make room for baby things, and making lists of all of the things I wish I had more energy to tackle.
At 34 weeks the contractions throughout the day continue, baby seems to have had a growth spurt and is now able to kick up into my ribs, I'm itchy all over at night, my feet are just starting to hurt when I stand for too long, my hands are usually swollen, my eyes are puffy no matter how much or little sleep I get, the number of shirts that still completely cover my belly have been reduced to a handful, and even getting my socks and boots on is quite the chore.
Most times when I get up from a seated position I feel like this baby is going to fall out. I can't exercise or I'll start having contractions so I've been much more focused on a healthy diet post-holidays. I had a slightly concerning glucose test the first week of January but retook it two weeks later and passed. HOORAY! I'm drinking water like a fish and resting on my left side when it feels like I need to take a break and thankfully the contractions haven't been as hot and heavy as they were right after Christmas.
With things feeling uncomfortable all the time so much earlier than the last two I've been a little bit of a cranky prego. It's helped to hear from other mamas with more than two kids that each pregnancy is unique and that they've had both easy and hard ones and that they chalk it up to hormones. Hormones can take a hike.

Regardless, and as I mentioned on Instagram over the weekend, I'm so thankful for this little life growing inside. All the discomfort can make a girl cranky but it is bringing a new family member into our story - one that will forever change us again and one that we'd been hoping for for so long. I'd like to say six weeks left but one never knows and with a history of going past my due date I'm holding the middle of March as a loose estimate. Sometime after February is lived and sometime before April is upon us.
With only 6-8 weeks left to prepare for this sweet baby I'm starting to feel like I've got a lot of work left to do. I have been collecting things I love and receiving the sweetest gifts from friends and family the past few months so this baby won't be wearing the same outfit every day but we're still needing to make some decisions on a car seat and stroller, stock up on burp cloths and swaddlers, buy bottles and a pump so the rest of the family can take turns feeding this baby at some point, buy some disposable diapers for the first few weeks and then decide if we want to try cloth diapers again, start doubling and freezing meals, make plans for family visiting, etc.
We're so close to the end of this pregnancy that at least once a day it blows my mind. I turned to Brett last Saturday and reminded him we only had a few more weekends as a family of four left! We need to take the kids to the movies, make one last trip to Ikea, fit in one more date night (hello, Valentine's Day), and remember what it's like to have offspring that can use the bathroom all by themselves because all of that will be put on hold for awhile soon!
Pregnancy is funny like that. It seems to last forever and then sneaks up on you in the end. In the meantime I'll be staring at all of the lovely things we've gathered and received for this mystery gender baby while I rest on my side of the bed.
First Photo: Merona Chevron blanket gifted from my friend Jessa. Sweater, BabyGap. Star pajamas gifted from BumpNest from BabyGap. Freshly Picked moccs gifted by Susan of Freshly Picked.
Second Photo: Abstract Baby quilt, made by me. Cloud pillow by Juniper Wilde. Handmade hoodie by ChildHoods. Black and white hat by KidsCreationsOz. Cream hat handmade and gifted by my friend, Mindy.
Third Photo: Black and White pocket organizer from Land of Nod gifted by Elsie and Emma. Citron hat found at Wal-Mart. White kimono shirts, thrifted. Pants gifted by my friend Kelle. Wooden rattle gifted from Shauna and Stephen of Forage.
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