We had a low key, stay-at-home weekend with Brett working and catching up on housework. I was feeling the winter blues and riding the hormone train that comes right before my cycle each month. There was a thrift store trip involved at the end that made up for it.
We did get to enjoy the company of our neighbor friends' kids so they could go out on a date. We traded nights and I think we've all decided we need to start doing it once a month. It's a guaranteed date night, we don't have to pay a sitter, our kids get to play together at each other's houses, and everyone likes pizza for dinner! Trading nights with another couple has been something I've wanted to do for a long time so I'm thankful for our friends being up for it! Have you ever swapped date nights/playdates with anyone?
There's still snow on the ground and it's going to be hovering in the 30's all week but the sun is out today and the streets are clear so I'm feeling more cheerful already. Oh, and I also got some fun news that I was selected again this year for Babble's Top 50 Mom Craft Blogs! I think I share Alison's sentiments over feeling a little broad with my topics on this blog since I tend to post about diy's, family time, outfit posts, and home decor but those are all things I love and I'm just not sure I'd feel as motivated to narrow it down to one or two.
I do love that I'm not alone in feeling this way. I'm also really thankful to have been chosen along with some of my dear friends and so many creative women I've long admired!
And with that I leave you for a trip to the hardware store. Always running out of nails.
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