Hello, blog! I've been thinking a lot over the last few months about what I want this space to be and the role it should play in my business and life. With Brett in grad school on the GI Bill, our roles have shifted from him being the full time breadwinner and me working for the pleasure of it when I have time to me needing to work as well. I'd call my work part time but between his schooling and sharing parenting and household responsibilities, we're both working every day of the week and filling in the gaps for each other when one of us has a deadline. It's intense and not without daily challenges of finding any sort of rhythm but it's also been kind of great. I'm not going to lie, there are days when I dream of having a weekend off (or even a full day off every week) but I also know our hard work is only for a season and that the benefits will serve us greatly down the road.
With so many work hours on creative projects being outsourced to paying gigs or creating weavings to send out into the world, there has been much less time for sharing DIY's just for this space or even documenting as much of life as I used to. The big kids are in school most of the day and my days with Smith are mostly spent at home and tightly scheduled around work hours and errands so I've found it challenging to have a lot of content to share other than family celebrations. Life is full! I miss the slower pace of things a lot of days but I also feel so proud of myself for all of the ways I've risen to the challenge.
That said, this space is still so special and important to me. I'm eager to continue to find ways to tend to the things that are fulfilling even when the list of duties is long. Way back in the day when Sebastian was the only kid on the scene and I spent my days running a scrapbook kit subscription (anyone remember Red Velvet Kit Club?) it was a trend to document things in lists. I know a few other moms that do this on their own blogs and it's the perfect way to share when you've only got twenty minutes to spare. I also plan on doing this when it makes sense and not every week because now is not the time for biting off more than I can chew. If you're not already doing this in your own space, feel free to join in sharing your own Life Lately lists. I think it's a great way to stop and check in with ourselves every now and then.
-how to set business goals each month
-how important it is to get outside every day
-to speak up and ask for what I want
-to show my kids how to gracefully stand up for yourself when slighted by someone
-to let the excuses go and make changes where I can
-to accept that I can't do everything at 100% right now and be okay with that
Getting Better
-overcoming anxieties that want to keep me from taking action for fear of failure
-owning the fantastic opportunities that have come along lately
-finding ways to finish things in small chunks of time
-resisting the urge to splurge
-reaching business goals three months in a row
-the chance to work from home and provide for my family
-pre-orders for my book on the horizon
-our yard getting green again
-Smith finally sleeping all night long in his own crib (THIS IS BIG, FRIENDS!)
-more time carved out for friends
-more fun
-ice cream (don't judge)
I think I could technically knock all three of the last column out at once if I schedule a lady date over ice cream. Springfield friends...it's on my list!
I'm off to the airport to pick up my handsome grad student that's learning all about sustainable business practices and then it's an afternoon full of weaving for me. I'm THIS CLOSE to opening up my Etsy shop to offer the wall hangings I've got left over from my flash sale on Instagram (@smileandwaveflashsale) and then I've got two more big DIY's I'm working on while Brett is officially on spring break. It's sunny outside today which means this Monday is already looking promising!
Thanks for reading, friends.
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